Vol. XIII/1
September Pulpit Calendar
All services begin at 9.30 a.m.
Preacher: Mark Syn
13 Preacher: Pastor Kuru
20 Preacher: Pastor Kuru
27 Family Service
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Fridays, Sept 11th & 25th at 7 p.m.
In the home of the Sarwans:
E 16 Mahanagar Extension.
Women’s prayer time
Second Sunday 13th
after the service.
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Be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect...as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers (1 Peter 3:7).
Dear People,
We’re 12 years old. We started with 110+ in fellowship. In 1997 Operation Mobilization families and singles, who were not attached to any church, attended our services because it was at their base. Whenever any OM teams visited their HQ, they would also attend our services.
In 2001, when we shifted to the home of the Phillips family, the OM teams no longer took the trouble to attend church, and in 2005, when OM started its own services, the OM families started to drop out. Along with a number of people leaving the city (families that relocated to other parts of India, young people who went away to college and careers) our number has dropped to 68.
It’s true we could carry on as we are. But that’s not what we are here for. We need to grow so that we are bringing more people in contact with the Lord our God.
Some who attend our services are less fluent in English. For their benefit we need to go bilingual. Apart from singing songs in English and some in Hindi, we will also need our messages to be translated into Hindustani. (Don’t worry. Messages will be shortened, so that you won’t get bored).
Grace Times of course can’t go bilingual. Unless someone else wants to do it.
In Christ’s love,
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Sonia, sister of Nalin Phillips, died after battling cancer. Pray for sons Kunal and Nicky, and brothers Rajan, Ajit, Nalin and their families. Pray for Aunt Shireen Revis and her family.
Elsie Thomas (in Dehra Dun) had surgery to remove a fibroid and is recovering.
Vinita Singh has been battling viral fever for a long time. Pixie and Anand, Shobha and mother, Ravi Modwell, Sanjay Massy, Jeba have all recovered from flu. Jürgen had a relapse but is recovering well.
Pooja recovered from a sprained leg, but has been doing well academically.
Cindy and Naomi have both had baby boys and Shwetha is to have her delivery in another 15 days. Prabha and Shobha’s niece Poonam had to have some bed rest, but is doing well now.
Triza Joseph has some serious problems for which she has to undergo long term treatment.
Rev J T Raja started work in a new village. Devotional meetings to take place every Monday evening. The village work is growing. Praise God for what He is accomplishing
Ishaaq is having a baby! Jess is 12 weeks pregnant. Jess has rather high BP. She still has a troublesome and painful ankle.
Birthdays in Sept
04 Shrishti Lugun21 Arpit Prakash
25 Shireen Revis
27 Neha Eisenberg
Not what, but Whom, I do believe,
That, in my darkest hour of need,
Hath comfort that no mortal creed
To mortal man may give;—
Not what, but Whom!
For Christ is more than all the creeds,
And His full life of gentle deeds
Shall all the creeds outlive.
Not what I do believe, but Whom!
Who walks beside me in the gloom?
Who shares the burden wearisome?
Who all the dim way doth illume,
And bids me look beyond the tomb
The larger life to live?—
Not what I do believe,
But Whom!
Not what, but Whom!
—John Oxenham
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